July 2021: New Maps have been added to the Loot Fairy's Hiding places!
October 2021: New Maps have been added to the Loot Fairy's Hiding places!
24 Hours, 33 Minutes, 32 Seconds
The Loot Fairy moves every 25 hours.
The Loot Fairy goes around to one module per day and enchants that module to produce better loot upon completion.
Once it's found, and if you have that module unlocked already, you can complete it with friends to get a reward of Four Rares or better guaranteed plus 2 Uncommons or better guaranteed.
Or, you can do it solo, but you'll only get Two or better Rares guaranteed plus the two Uncommons or better.
The only thing is, we don't know which module has been enchanted, until someone finds the Loot Fairy and reports its presence. The purpose of this website is to help Loot Fairy Patrollers coordinate and share the Fairy's location with all Card Hunters.
Q: I want to participate in the hunt! How do I report my findings?
A:If you don't yet have a password for this tracker, report your finding in World Chat in game.
Chances are someone with access will update it for you.
We hope to be adding in a new way to authenticate users, but for now, the "old way" still works.
If you want to get a password, try to send a message to battlezoby
or cynthih within the game. If they're not there, you can use the bug report form below and list your Cardhunter username with a request for access, but we may want to try to confirm your Cardhunter username first.
Note: this process is expected to improve once this new tracker is "out of Beta."
Q: How do I know if I've found the Loot Fairy?
A: Oh, you'll know.
Q: Can I get enchanted loot even if it's my first time completing a module?
A: Yes, just as long as that adventure is ready to play, rather than still hidden or locked.
Q: Does the Loot Fairy show up in Treasure Hunts?
A: Yes, but again, you need to have it available. You can help a friend get their LF bonus, if they have it unlocked, but if it's locked or hidden on your map, you won't get the LF bonus lot.
Q: Does the Loot Fairy improve rewards for Quests (Challenges)?
A: No. The Loot Fairy is only in normal non-quest mode adventures.
Q: What are the drop rates?
A:Your reward chest, like others can upgrade. The reported upgrade rate for Co-op chests is contains roughly .4 epics and .1 legendaries. The Card Hunter Club Reward slot is guaranteed rare, with an estimated 25% chance to upgrade into something rarer. (But is this for the co-op chest or the solo chest? Can someone confirm? :-/ )
Q: There's a bug on this page.
Click to submit a report... (Sorry, link coming soon.)
Great thanks to Flaxative for allowing us to start with a mirror of his original site, and for creating that original Loot Fairy Tracker in the first place!